Second look at New Mexico- again just about ten steps out from our airbnb… I still think again how that airbnb (find Blue Corn Trace Artist Barn on Airbnb!) was just perfectly located in middle of no where. That second day of trip Hoya and I just slept until late and had a huge brunch as Hoya made delicious Salmon baguette meal..(with soy sauce, yum) and I spent the between break just writing the trip diary while Hoya was filming his praise and worship youtube out in the field as well. The sun was at the right in between the clouds and the land.. What a pretty forecast it made. The b&w gingham checkered audrey dress (I seem to call all vintage dresses audrey dress haha) is from Amarillo, Texas, on the way to New Mexico. The buttons in the back is the point and how the drape of the dress is nothing you can find these days in modern skirts!
“I know now that most people are so closely concerned with themselves that they are not aware of their own individuality, I can see myself, and it has helped me to say what I want to say in paint.” -Georgia O’Keeffe
“사람들은 자기 자신에 대해 참 많이 우려하고 신경쓴다. 그러나 오히려 그 집착이 본인이 실제로 가지고 있는 가장 특별한 존엄성과 개성을 알아차리는것을 놓쳐버린다. 나는 나 스스로를 객관적으로 바라보는 법을 알고 있다. 내 속에 나만이 갖고 있는 매력과 개성을 볼 수 있고, 그것이 내가 무엇을 창작하고 싶은지 알도록 해주었다.” -조지아 오키프