“우리는 되도록 더 많은 것을 사랑하며 살아가야 해. 진짜 힘은 거기서 나오기 때문이란다. 더 많이 사랑하는 사람은 더 행복할 뿐만 아니라, 자기 자신을 믿을 수 있어. 그 사람 역시 가끔은 흔들리고, 의심도 하지만, 그럼에도 자신의 마음속에 신성한 불꽃을 품고 살아갈 수 있지.” -빈센트가 테오에게 쓴 편지 중에서. 정여울, <빈센트 나의 빈센트>
“The only vocation for us is to love more. The real strength and power comes from the will to love. The person who loves more and deeper is not only happier, but could also believe in oneself. Yes, such path could bring doubt and rejection sometimes- but that person will live with a sacred fire that could not be abolished anyhow.” -From the letters to Theo of Vincent Van Gogh
I live in Bixby in Tulsa- (I still say I’m from Tulsa) and there are so many bare fields in Bixby. This field is a field that has been bare since I moved to Bixby 3 years ago. Didn’t know if these yellow flowers grow in summer, but I feel like I’ve been here way before I moved to Bixby and when I lived in Tulsa. Back then I remember doing a shoot with a friend from ORU, and the photos had exact same flowers and I remember driving with her and getting off the field saying ‘this is a random field that I love because it has yellow flowers.’ I still remember seeing full moon over the horizon and she was a beautiful woman in and out. Anyways, whether or not if that was the same place that I took my daily look here- wild flowers are worth to go for a hunt. Enjoy!